SX Expats

Take action on your terms

Our easy-to-digest digital products and services are informative and actionable, with
specific steps on how to create an international lifestyle

TAKE ACTION.  Change your path forward by design rather than default. SX Expats demystifies life as an expat, providing you with a framework and building blocks to live and work anywhere in the world.

SX Expats’ digital products and services—books, reports, and briefs, plus consulting and a Master Class series—all sourced, written, and produced by Sovereign X team members, all who have lived, worked, run businesses, and raised children as expats. 


Downloadable, digital products range from the “Ultimate Plan A Blueprint to an International Life” to the “5 Best Global Second Passports [Third Edition]” to 101 briefs and reports on various expat issues and subjects, including editions written explicitly for prospective women expats. 


SX Expats includes SX Expat Advisor, which answers “What are the five top countries that will best suit me as an expat?” Our proprietary algorithm provides you with a unique assessment based on your specific preferences.

We help you identify and simplify the right strategies—inexpensive, actionable, easy-to-digest solutions for living and working anywhere in the world—whether you’re a prospective expat, an investor, an entrepreneur, or just someone who wants special access to a particular country.


To purchase a digital product, visit the products page, click and add your preferred digital products to your cart, and check-out. If unavailable, click the Join Waitlist button, and you’ll be notified when published.

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