The Best Citizenship & Residency-by-Investment—First Edition

The Best Citizenship & Residency-by-Investment—First Edition


Sovereign X demystifies citizenship by investment, a process that allows wealthy individuals to cut in line to obtain a second passport in exchange for an investment or donation.



Sovereign X’s The Best Citizenship & Residency-by-Investment -First Edition e-Book demystifies citizenship by investment, a process that allows individuals with sufficient means to cut in line to obtain a second passport in exchange for an investment or contribution—in many cases related to real estate, which oftentimes, can result in a significant ROI.

Sovereign X’s leadership team of expats and professional investors have written the world’s most current and complete e-book on economic citizenship. The book includes a comprehensive look at the advantages and disadvantages of and all relevant specifics of how to acquire the best Citizenship & Residency-by-Investment.

These so-called “economic citizenships” are particularly valuable to three audiences:

  • U.S. citizens who wish to obtain a second passport quickly and potentially relinquish their citizenship. Pragmatically, relinquishing your first passport requires a second passport. If you’re a high-wealth individual, the cost of an economic citizenship can be much less than the tax and compliance costs of remaining a U.S. citizen, particularly as tax laws have become even worse for foreign business owners during the Trump administration.
  • Individuals from several Middle Eastern and Asian countries are the largest investors in citizenship by investment programs. A second passport affords these citizens with a number of key advantages, including access to more significant travel and investment opportunities.
  • Based on a time-cost basis, entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors also may find buying citizenship a more straightforward and less expensive path forward compared to the longer, more complicated naturalization route.
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