The 3 Best Latin American Second Passports—First Edition

The 3 Best Latin American Second Passports—First Edition


Sovereign X goes beyond simple rankings, providing the most sophisticated evaluation of the ultimate insurance policy, a second passport—with focus on Latin America.

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Sovereign X’s 3 Best Latin American Second Passports—First Edition goes beyond simple rankings. It provides the most comprehensive, sophisticated yet easy to digest evaluation of the ultimate insurance policy: a second passport, with exclusive focus on Latin America. A second passport ensures that, no matter where you may call home, you will always have a place to live, work, do business, invest, and seek refuge.

Acquiring a second passport will afford you more freedom, safety, and financial security for you and your family, putting yourself in a position of strength, no matter what is happening in the world.

Our Sovereign X team of expats and investment professionals—with years of boots-on-the ground personal and professional experience in Mexico, Central America, and South America—identify the three best second passport options in Latin America in this proprietary 75+ page first-edition e-book. We explain what to look for in an ideal Latin America second passport, why you need one, and the many factors to consider for choosing the right one for your needs and requirements. And, importantly, we show you how to acquire one most efficiently.

We simplify the advantages and disadvantages of countries to consider, ranging from the stability of a country’s economic, legal, and political environment, visa opportunities, physical presence requirements to qualify for citizenship, a country’s relative advancement as a developed nation, visa-free travel opportunities, the country’s international reputation, and taxation issues.

The bottomline: we provide you with a comprehensive look at requirements, timing, proven methods, contact information, and a detailed blueprint for acquiring a second passport. You’ll learn how to obtain a work visa, temporary residency, permanent residency, and citizenship—whether you’re a prospective expat, an investor, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants special access to another country.

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