Learn from the best.
Sovereign X’s co-founder L. Glenn Lawrence demystifies life as an expat, answering the why and how related to living, working, and investing outside of your home country. This nine-lesson series identifies and simplifies strategies and tactics to help you internationalize your life, work, and investments in this thought-provoking SX International Master Class series.
Think of this unique master class series as a TED talk. Our distinctive online vignettes (with no applause) have one intent: to serve as a means of unlocking the power of knowledge that will allow you to international your life, work, and investments by design rather than default.
This former Wall Street analyst and management consultant has lived and worked as a foreign resident since 2002 (while raising two daughters who are now both living and working in New York). He presents a compelling case for living, working, and investing outside of your home country in an intimate series that will excite, educate, and inspire you to action.
Each unique lesson will cover a variety of essential topics focused on internationalizing your life, including
- Why Internationalize?
- Residency, Visas, Citizenships, and Second Passports
- Lifestyle: The Multi-flag Approach
- International Banking
- Lifestyle Opportunities
- Doing Business Internationally
- International Taxation
- International Investing
- Design Your “Plan A” Lifestyle
SX International’s master class series will help you change your worldview and learn how to integrate an innovative, sustainable path forward to internationalizing your life, work, and investments, all on your terms.
Learn from the world’s best.
SX International Master Class Lesson Plan